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  • Eggplant Parmesan

    Eggplant Parmesan is a vegetarian option when considering Italian food, and is a traditional dish that’s great for the entire family. If you want the taste of Italian, but want...

  • Easy Guacamole Recipe

    Every home chef should have a good guacamole recipe that is fast and easy to make. Known by everyone and able to be made by anyone, this guacamole recipe can...

  • How to Make the Perfect Eggs Benedict

    Eggs Benedict is the quintessential French breakfast, and one that is loved by anyone who loves breakfast food. It’s hearty, rich, and very delicate to make, but there’s nothing quite...

  • Goat Cheese Meatballs

    This is a recipe we just came up with without much planning, and it worked like a charm. This goat cheese meatball is stuffed with flavor, and is very similar...

  • How to Make Cochonita Pibil

    Cochinita Pibil, a staple of cuisine in the Yucatan Peninsula, and a historically Mayan dish, is an ancient recipe for pit pork that is even a cornerstone of Yucatan cooking...

  • Russian Borscht

    Ingredients 3/1/2 cups canned tomatoes 5 or 6 medium potatoes cut in halves 1 large carrot cut fine 1 small peeled beet salt to taste 1 small onion chopped butter...